sc3.base.platform module

class MetaPlatform

Bases: type

property name
property home_dir
property support_dir
property config_dir
property resource_dir
property synthdef_dir
property recording_dir
property tmp_dir
property installation_dir
property bin_dir
property default_server_cmd
property SCSYNTH_CMD

Kill a server process by name. Utility method used to stop a lost server in the local machine, e.g. when is not possible to reboot or connect and the process is retaining the port. On Unix this method executes killall -SIGKILL program_name. On Windows it executes taskkill /F /IM program_name.

class Platform

Bases: object

Singleton class object that defines platform dependant data.

name = 'linux'
home_dir = PosixPath('/home/docs')
support_dir = PosixPath('/home/docs/.local/share/SuperCollider')
config_dir = PosixPath('/home/docs/.config/SuperCollider')
resource_dir = PosixPath('/usr/share/SuperCollider')
synthdef_dir = PosixPath('/home/docs/.local/share/SuperCollider/synthdefs')
recording_dir = PosixPath('/home/docs/.local/share/SuperCollider/Recordings')
tmp_dir = PosixPath('/tmp')
installation_dir = PosixPath('/usr')
bin_dir = PosixPath('/usr/bin')
class UnixPlatform

Bases: sc3.base.platform.Platform

SCSYNTH_CMD = 'scsynth'
SUPERNOVA_CMD = 'supernova'

Kill a server process by name. Utility method used to stop a lost server in the local machine, e.g. when is not possible to reboot or connect and the process is retaining the port. On Unix this method executes killall -SIGKILL program_name. On Windows it executes taskkill /F /IM program_name.

class LinuxPlatform

Bases: sc3.base.platform.UnixPlatform

support_dir = PosixPath('/home/docs/.local/share/SuperCollider')
config_dir = PosixPath('/home/docs/.config/SuperCollider')
resource_dir = PosixPath('/usr/share/SuperCollider')
synthdef_dir = PosixPath('/home/docs/.local/share/SuperCollider/synthdefs')
recording_dir = PosixPath('/home/docs/.local/share/SuperCollider/Recordings')
bin_dir = PosixPath('/usr/bin')
class DarwinPlatform

Bases: sc3.base.platform.UnixPlatform

support_dir = PosixPath('/home/docs/.local/share/SuperCollider')
config_dir = PosixPath('/home/docs/.config/SuperCollider')
resource_dir = PosixPath('/usr/share/SuperCollider')
synthdef_dir = PosixPath('/home/docs/.local/share/SuperCollider/synthdefs')
recording_dir = PosixPath('/home/docs/.local/share/SuperCollider/Recordings')
bin_dir = PosixPath('/usr/bin')
class WindowsPlatform

Bases: sc3.base.platform.Platform

SCSYNTH_CMD = 'scsynth'
SUPERNOVA_CMD = 'supernova'

Kill a server process by name. Utility method used to stop a lost server in the local machine, e.g. when is not possible to reboot or connect and the process is retaining the port. On Unix this method executes killall -SIGKILL program_name. On Windows it executes taskkill /F /IM program_name.

class Win32Platform

Bases: sc3.base.platform.WindowsPlatform

support_dir = PosixPath('/home/docs/.local/share/SuperCollider')
config_dir = PosixPath('/home/docs/.config/SuperCollider')
resource_dir = PosixPath('/usr/share/SuperCollider')
synthdef_dir = PosixPath('/home/docs/.local/share/SuperCollider/synthdefs')
recording_dir = PosixPath('/home/docs/.local/share/SuperCollider/Recordings')
bin_dir = PosixPath('/usr/bin')
class CygwinPlatform

Bases: sc3.base.platform.WindowsPlatform