sc3.seq.patch module

The content of this file is highly experimental.

A Patch is a language-side control graph as a possible replacement for SuperCollider’s event streams. It organize patterns and actions scheduling played by Routine as a synchronous graph that resembles synth graphs.

Objects, operands and operations, within a patch form a graph that is evaluated cyclically by triggers.

The main difference with event streams is that any object can be triggered separately and thus have its own time function. Triggers can be combined to create superimposed functions in time, e.g. each pattern can have its own timing and target the same output object.

It’s inspired by the patterns library of SuperCollider and Max/PD control flow. However, its implementation differs from them and it creates its own set of rules and behaviour, it’s a different mix.

Sequential programming was preferred to simplify side-effect actions such as resource instantiation and cleanup.

class Patch

Bases: object

current_patch = None
property outlet
property roots
play(clock=None, quant=None)
class PatchFunction(func)

Bases: object

class BoxObject(tgg=None, msg=None)

Bases: object

class TriggerObject

Bases: object

Triggers are iterators that just return floats as deltas. They are not part of the graph as nodes, they are transversal.

class Trig(hz=1)

Bases: sc3.seq.patch.TriggerObject

class Every(time=1)

Bases: sc3.seq.patch.TriggerObject

class Within(time=1, n=1)

Bases: sc3.seq.patch.TriggerObject

class RootBox(tgg=None, msg=None)

Bases: sc3.seq.patch.BoxObject

class Outlet(value, tgg=None)

Bases: sc3.seq.patch.RootBox

class ValueList(lst)

Bases: sc3.seq.patch.BoxObject

class Event(delta, obj)

Bases: sc3.seq.patch.RootBox

class Trace(graph, prefix=None, tgg=None, msg=None)

Bases: sc3.seq.patch.RootBox

class Tempo(bpm, tgg=None, msg=None)

Bases: sc3.seq.patch.RootBox

class Note(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sc3.seq.patch.RootBox

class Inlet(patch, index=None)

Bases: sc3.seq.patch.BoxObject

class Box(obj, tgg=None, msg=None)

Bases: sc3.seq.patch.BoxObject

class Message(lst, tgg, bang=True)

Bases: object

class Tidyner

Bases: object

class Cleanup(lst, method=None, delay=None)

Bases: sc3.seq.patch.Tidyner

class CleanupFunction(func, args=None, delay=None)

Bases: sc3.seq.patch.Tidyner

cleanup(func=None, *, args=(), delay=None)
class AbstractBox(tgg=None, msg=None)

Bases: sc3.seq.patch.BoxObject, sc3.base.absobject.AbstractObject

class UnopBox(selector, a)

Bases: sc3.seq.patch.AbstractBox

class BinopBox(selector, a, b)

Bases: sc3.seq.patch.AbstractBox

class NaropBox(selector, a, *args)

Bases: sc3.seq.patch.AbstractBox

class If(cond, true, false)

Bases: sc3.seq.patch.AbstractBox

class MetaValue

Bases: type

class Value(value, tgg=None)

Bases: sc3.seq.patch.AbstractBox

class Map(dct, tgg=None)

Bases: sc3.seq.patch.BoxObject

class Seq(lst, repeat=1, tgg=None)

Bases: sc3.seq.patch.AbstractBox

class FunctionBox(func, *args, tgg=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sc3.seq.patch.AbstractBox