sc3.seq.pattern module

The transcription of the pattern library is organized following the specifications below.

It is understood that there are edge cases for different use cases and that a type-free stream creation would be a more general approach but also less clear. In any case, this is open to reconsideration.

Event patterns

Patterns that create streams of events.

Value patterns

Patterns that create streams of values.

List patterns

Container patterns that can create either streams of events or values. Hybrid streams can be created but they will probably fail in combination with other type specific patterns.

Filter patterns

Patterns that receive and process other patterns. Some filter patterns are designed to process event or value streams but not both.

Function patterns

Patterns defined by the evaluation of a function, the resulting stream is defined by the class but is considered to be a value stream when combined with other patterns.

Special patterns

So far, in this transcription, the only special case is Pkey. Must be defined for a key inside an event pattern, either Pbind or Pmono. It takes the event stream and extracts the value of another key of the event being processed in the order the keys were defined.

class Pattern

Bases: sc3.base.absobject.AbstractObject

property is_event_pattern
play(clock=None, quant=None, proto=None)
trace(prefix=None, keys=None)
class Punop(selector, a)

Bases: sc3.seq.pattern.Pattern

property is_event_pattern
class Pbinop(selector, a, b)

Bases: sc3.seq.pattern.Pattern

property is_event_pattern
class Pnarop(selector, a, *args)

Bases: sc3.seq.pattern.Pattern

property is_event_pattern

Decorator to create value patterns from generator functions.

def pwhite(lo=0.0, hi=1.0, length=float('inf')):
    lo = stream(lo)
    hi = stream(hi)
    loval = hival = None
        for _ in bi.counter(length):
            loval = next(lo)
            hival = next(hi)
            yield bi.rrand(loval, hival)
    except StopIteration:

p = stream(pwhite(length=3) ** 2)